#ABC236D. [ABC236D] Dance

[ABC236D] Dance

Score : 400400 points

Problem Statement

2N2N people numbered 1,2,,2N1, 2, \ldots, 2N attend a ball. They will group into NN pairs and have a dance.

If Person ii and Person jj pair up, where ii is smaller than jj, the affinity of that pair is Ai,jA_{i, j}. If the NN pairs have the affinity of B1,B2,,BNB_1, B_2, \ldots, B_N, the total fun of the ball is the bitwise XOR of them: B1B2BNB_1 \oplus B_2 \oplus \cdots \oplus B_N.

Print the maximum possible total fun of the ball when the 2N2N people can freely group into NN pairs.


  • 1N81 \leq N \leq 8
  • 0Ai,j<2300 \leq A_{i, j} < 2^{30}
  • All values in input are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


A1,2A_{1, 2} A1,3A_{1, 3} A1,4A_{1, 4} \cdots A1,2NA_{1, 2N}

A2,3A_{2, 3} A2,4A_{2, 4} \cdots A2,2NA_{2, 2N}

A3,4A_{3, 4} \cdots A3,2NA_{3, 2N}


A2N1,2NA_{2N-1, 2N}


Print the maximum possible total fun of the ball.

4 0 1
5 3

Let {i,j}\lbrace i, j\rbrace denote a pair of Person ii and Person jj. There are three ways for the four people to group into two pairs, as follows.

  • Group into {1,2},{3,4}\lbrace 1, 2\rbrace, \lbrace 3, 4\rbrace. The total fun of the ball here is A1,2A3,4=42=6A_{1, 2} \oplus A_{3, 4} = 4 \oplus 2 = 6.
  • Group into {1,3},{2,4}\lbrace 1, 3\rbrace, \lbrace 2, 4\rbrace. The total fun of the ball here is A1,3A2,4=03=3A_{1, 3} \oplus A_{2, 4} = 0 \oplus 3 = 3.
  • Group into {1,4},{2,3}\lbrace 1, 4\rbrace, \lbrace 2, 3\rbrace. The total fun of the ball here is A1,4A2,3=15=4A_{1, 4} \oplus A_{2, 3} = 1 \oplus 5 = 4.

Therefore, the maximum possible total fun of the ball is 66.


There will be just a pair of Person 11 and Person 22, where the total fun of the ball is 55.

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