#ABC235B. [ABC235B] Climbing Takahashi

[ABC235B] Climbing Takahashi

Score : 200200 points

Problem Statement

There are NN platforms arranged in a row. The height of the ii-th platform from the left is HiH_i.

Takahashi is initially standing on the leftmost platform.

Since he likes heights, he will repeat the following move as long as possible.

  • If the platform he is standing on is not the rightmost one, and the next platform to the right has a height greater than that of the current platform, step onto the next platform.

Find the height of the final platform he will stand on.


  • 2N1052 \leq N \leq 10^5
  • 1Hi1091 \leq H_i \leq 10^9
  • All values in input are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


H1H_1 \ldots HNH_N


Print the answer.

1 5 10 4 2

Takahashi is initially standing on the leftmost platform, whose height is 11. The next platform to the right has a height of 55 and is higher than the current platform, so he steps onto it.

He is now standing on the 22-nd platform from the left, whose height is 55. The next platform to the right has a height of 1010 and is higher than the current platform, so he steps onto it.

He is now standing on the 33-rd platform from the left, whose height is 1010. The next platform to the right has a height of 44 and is lower than the current platform, so he stops moving.

Thus, the height of the final platform Takahashi will stand on is 1010.

100 1000 100000
27 1828 1828 9242