#ABC230C. [ABC230C] X drawing

[ABC230C] X drawing

Score : 300300 points

Problem Statement

There is an N×NN\times N grid with horizontal rows and vertical columns, where all squares are initially painted white. Let (i,j)(i,j) denote the square at the ii-th row and jj-th column.

Takahashi has integers AA and BB, which are between 11 and NN (inclusive). He will do the following operations.

  • For every integer kk such that max(1A,1B)kmin(NA,NB)\max(1-A,1-B)\leq k\leq \min(N-A,N-B), paint (A+k,B+k)(A+k,B+k) black.
  • For every integer kk such that max(1A,BN)kmin(NA,B1)\max(1-A,B-N)\leq k\leq \min(N-A,B-1), paint (A+k,Bk)(A+k,B-k) black.

In the grid after these operations, find the color of each square (i,j)(i,j) such that PiQP\leq i\leq Q and RjSR\leq j\leq S.


  • 1N10181 \leq N \leq 10^{18}
  • 1AN1 \leq A \leq N
  • 1BN1 \leq B \leq N
  • 1PQN1 \leq P \leq Q \leq N
  • 1RSN1 \leq R \leq S \leq N
  • (QP+1)×(SR+1)3×105(Q-P+1)\times(S-R+1)\leq 3\times 10^5
  • All values in input are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:




Print QP+1Q-P+1 lines. Each line should contain a string of length SR+1S-R+1 consisting of # and .. The jj-th character of the string in the ii-th line should be # to represent that (P+i1,R+j1)(P+i-1, R+j-1) is painted black, and . to represent that (P+i1,R+j1)(P+i-1, R+j-1) is white.

5 3 2
1 5 1 5

The first operation paints the four squares (2,1)(2,1), (3,2)(3,2), (4,3)(4,3), (5,4)(5,4) black, and the second paints the four squares (4,1)(4,1), (3,2)(3,2), (2,3)(2,3), (1,4)(1,4) black. Thus, the above output should be printed, since P=1P=1, Q=5Q=5, R=1R=1, S=5S=5.

5 3 3
4 5 2 5

The operations paint the nine squares (1,1)(1,1), (1,5)(1,5), (2,2)(2,2), (2,4)(2,4), (3,3)(3,3), (4,2)(4,2), (4,4)(4,4), (5,1)(5,1), (5,5)(5,5). Thus, the above output should be printed, since P=4P=4, Q=5Q=5, R=2R=2, S=5S=5.

1000000000000000000 999999999999999999 999999999999999999
999999999999999998 1000000000000000000 999999999999999998 1000000000000000000

Note that the input may not fit into a 3232-bit integer type.