#ABC226H. [ABC226H] Random Kth Max

[ABC226H] Random Kth Max

Score : 600600 points

Problem Statement

We have NN continuous random variables X1,X2,,XNX_1,X_2,\dots,X_N. XiX_i has a continuous uniform distribution over the interval [Li,Ri]\lbrack L_i, R_i \rbrack. Let EE be the expected value of the KK-th greatest value among the NN random variables. Print Emod998244353E \bmod {998244353} as specified in Notes.


In this problem, we can prove that EE is always a rational number. Additionally, the Constraints of this problem guarantee that, when EE is represented as an irreducible fraction yx\frac{y}{x}, xx is indivisible by 998244353998244353. Here, there uniquely exists an integer zz between 00 and 998244352998244352 such that xzy(mod998244353)xz \equiv y \pmod{998244353}. Print this zz as the value Emod998244353E \bmod {998244353}.


  • 1N501 \leq N \leq 50
  • 1KN1 \leq K \leq N
  • 0Li<Ri1000 \leq L_i \lt R_i \leq 100
  • All values in input are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


L1L_1 R1R_1

L2L_2 R2R_2




Print Emod998244353E \bmod {998244353}.

1 1
0 2

The answer is the expected value of the random variable with a continuous uniform distribution over the interval [0,2]\lbrack 0, 2 \rbrack. Thus, we should print 11.

2 2
0 2
1 3

The answer represented as a rational number is 2324\frac{23}{24}. We have 707089751×2423(mod998244353)707089751 \times 24 \equiv 23 \pmod{998244353}, so we should print 707089751707089751.

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