100 #ABC223B. [ABC223B] String Shifting

[ABC223B] String Shifting

Score : 200200 points

Problem Statement

On a non-empty string, a left shift moves the first character to the end of the string, and a right shift moves the last character to the beginning of the string.

For example, a left shift on abcde results in bcdea, and two right shifts on abcde result in deabc.

You are given a non-empty SS consisting of lowercase English letters. Among the strings that can be obtained by performing zero or more left shifts and zero or more right shifts on SS, find the lexicographically smallest string and the lexicographically largest string.

What is the lexicographical order?

Simply speaking, the lexicographical order is the order in which words are listed in a dictionary. As a more formal definition, here is the algorithm to determine the lexicographical order between different strings SS and TT.

Below, let SiS_i denote the ii-th character of SS. Also, if SS is lexicographically smaller than TT, we will denote that fact as S<TS \lt T; if SS is lexicographically larger than TT, we will denote that fact as S>TS \gt T.

  1. Let LL be the smaller of the lengths of SS and TT. For each i=1,2,,Li=1,2,\dots,L, we check whether SiS_i and TiT_i are the same.
  2. If there is an ii such that SiTiS_i \neq T_i, let jj be the smallest such ii. Then, we compare SjS_j and TjT_j. If SjS_j comes earlier than TjT_j in alphabetical order, we determine that S<TS \lt T and quit; if SjS_j comes later than TjT_j, we determine that S>TS \gt T and quit.
  3. If there is no ii such that SiTiS_i \neq T_i, we compare the lengths of SS and TT. If SS is shorter than TT, we determine that S<TS \lt T and quit; if SS is longer than TT, we determine that S>TS \gt T and quit.


  • SS consists of lowercase English letters.
  • The length of SS is between 11 and 10001000 (inclusive).


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



Print two lines. The first line should contain SminS_{\min}, and the second line should contain SmaxS_{\max}. Here, SminS_{\min} and SmaxS_{\max} are respectively the lexicographically smallest and largest strings obtained by performing zero or more left shifts and zero or more right shifts on SS.


By performing shifts, we can obtain four strings: aaab, aaba, abaa, baaa. The lexicographically smallest and largest among them are aaab and baaa, respectively.


Any sequence of operations results in z.
