100 #ABC221A. [ABC221A] Seismic magnitude scales

[ABC221A] Seismic magnitude scales

Score : 100100 points

Problem Statement

The magnitude of an earthquake is a logarithmic scale of the energy released by the earthquake. It is known that each time the magnitude increases by 11, the amount of energy gets multiplied by approximately 3232. Here, we assume that the amount of energy gets multiplied by exactly 3232 each time the magnitude increases by 11. In this case, how many times is the amount of energy of a magnitude AA earthquake as much as that of a magnitude BB earthquake?


  • 3BA93\leq B\leq A\leq 9
  • AA and BB are integers.


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Print the answer as an integer.

6 4

66 is 22 greater than 44, so a magnitude 66 earthquake has 32×32=102432\times 32=1024 times as much energy as a magnitude 44 earthquake has.

5 5

Earthquakes with the same magnitude have the same amount of energy.