#ABC219H. [ABC219H] Candles

[ABC219H] Candles

Score : 600600 points

Problem Statement

There are NN candles on an infinite number line. The ii-th candle is at the coordinate XiX_i. At time 00, it has a length of AiA_i and is lit. Each minute, the length of a lit candle decreases by 11. When the length becomes 00, it burns out, and its length does not change after that. Additionally, the length of an unlit candle does not change.

Takahashi is at the coordinate 00 at time 00. Each minute, he can move a distance of at most 11. If there is a candle at his current coordinate, he can put out that candle. (If there are multiple candles there, he can put out all of them.) The time it takes to put out a candle is negligible.

Find the maximum possible total length of the candles remaining at 1010010^{100} minutes after time 00, achieved by Takahashi's optimal course of actions.


  • 1N3001 \leq N \leq 300
  • 109Xi109-10^9 \leq X_i \leq 10^9
  • 1Ai1091 \leq A_i \leq 10^9
  • All values in input are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


X1X_1 A1A_1

X2X_2 A2A_2




Print the answer.

-2 10
3 10
12 10

The third candle, which is at coordinate 1212, will burn out before Takahashi puts it out, regardless of Takahashi's behavior. For the other two candles, if he goes to coordinate 2-2 in two minutes to put out the first and then goes to coordinate 33 in five minutes to put out the second, the lengths of those candles will not change after that. The lengths of those candles remaining are 102=810-2=8 and 1025=310-2-5=3, for a total of 8+3=118+3=11, which is the maximum that can be achieved. Thus, print 1111.

0 1000000000
0 1000000000
1 1000000000
2 1000000000
3 1000000000

Note that two or more candles may occupy the same coordinate and that the answer may not fit into a 3232-bit integer.