100 #ABC189B. [ABC189B] Alcoholic

[ABC189B] Alcoholic

Score : 200200 points

Problem Statement

Takahashi had NN glasses of liquor.

The amount and alcohol percentage of the ii-th liquor were ViV_i milliliters and PiP_i percent by volume, respectively.

Takahashi gets drunk when his alcohol intake exceeds XX milliliters.

Which of the NN liquors was he drinking when he gets drunk? If he was not drunk even after drinking all the liquors, print -1 instead.


  • All values in input are integers.
  • 1N1031 \leq N \leq 10^3
  • 0X1060 \leq X \leq 10^6
  • 1Vi1031 \leq V_i \leq 10^3
  • 0Pi1000 \leq P_i \leq 100


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


V1V_1 P1P_1




If Takahashi got drunk when drinking the ii-th liquor, print ii. If he was not drunk even after drinking all the liquors, print -1 instead.

2 15
200 5
350 3

The 11-st liquor contains 200×5100=10200\times \dfrac{5}{100}=10 milliliters of alcohol.

The 22-nd liquor contains 350×3100=10.5350\times \dfrac{3}{100}=10.5 milliliters of alcohol.

His alcohol intake exceeds 1515 milliliters for the first time when drinking the 22-nd liquor.

2 10
200 5
350 3

When his alcohol intake is exactly XX milliliters, he is still not drunk.

3 1000000
1000 100
1000 100
1000 100

He seems to be immune to alcohol.