#ABC181F. [ABC181F] Silver Woods

[ABC181F] Silver Woods

Score : 600600 points

Problem Statement

On the xyxy-plane, we have a passage surrounded by the two lines y=100y=-100 and y=100y=100.

In the part of this passage with 100<x<100-100 < x < 100, there are NN negligibly small nails. The coordinates of the ii-th nail are (xi,yi)(x_i, y_i).

Takahashi will choose a real number r (0<r100)r \ (0 < r \leq 100) and put a circle of radius rr so that its center is at (109,0)(-10^9, 0).

Then, he will move the circle from (109,0)(-10^9, 0) to (109,0)(10^9, 0).

Here, he continuously moves the circle so that the boundaries of the passage or the nails do not penetrate the interior of the circle.

Find the maximum possible value of rr such that it is possible to move the circle to (109,0)(10^9, 0).


  • All values in input are integers.
  • 1N1001 \leq N \leq 100
  • xi,yi<100|x_i|, |y_i| < 100
  • If iji \neq j, (xi,yi)(xj,yj)(x_i, y_i) \neq (x_j, y_j).


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


x1x_1 y1y_1


xNx_N yNy_N


Print the maximum possible value of rr such that it is possible to move the circle to (109,0)(10^9, 0). Your output will be considered correct when its absolute or relative error from our answer is at most 10410^{-4}.

0 -40
0 40

As shown in the figure, we can move the circle with r=40r=40 from (109,0)(-10^9, 0) to (109,0)(10^9, 0) by moving it along y=0y=0.

When x=0x=0, the circle exactly touches the two nails, which is fine since they do not penetrate the interior of the circle.

Any value of rr greater than 4040 makes it impossible to move the circle to (109,0)(10^9, 0), so the maximum possible value is r=40r=40.

0 -10
99 10
0 91
99 -91
-90 40
20 -30
0 -90
10 -70
80 70
-90 30
-20 -80
10 90
50 30
60 -70
65 -90
-34 -2
62 99
42 -13
47 -84
84 87
16 -78
56 35
90 8
90 19