#ABC179F. [ABC179F] Simplified Reversi

[ABC179F] Simplified Reversi

Score : 600600 points

Problem Statement

There is a grid with NN rows and NN columns of squares. Let (i,j)(i, j) be the square at the ii-th row from the top and the jj-th column from the left.

Each of the central (N2)×(N2)(N-2) \times (N-2) squares in the grid has a black stone on it. Each of the 2N12N - 1 squares on the bottom side and the right side has a white stone on it.

QQ queries are given. We ask you to process them in order. There are two kinds of queries. Their input format and description are as follows:

  • 1 x: Place a white stone on (1,x)(1, x). After that, for each black stone between (1,x)(1, x) and the first white stone you hit if you go down from (1,x)(1, x), replace it with a white stone.
  • 2 x: Place a white stone on (x,1)(x, 1). After that, for each black stone between (x,1)(x, 1) and the first white stone you hit if you go right from (x,1)(x, 1), replace it with a white stone.

How many black stones are there on the grid after processing all QQ queries?


  • 3N2×1053 \leq N \leq 2\times 10^5
  • 0Qmin(2N4,2×105)0 \leq Q \leq \min(2N-4,2\times 10^5)
  • 2xN12 \leq x \leq N-1
  • Queries are pairwise distinct.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:






Print how many black stones there are on the grid after processing all QQ queries.

5 5
1 3
2 3
1 4
2 2
1 2

After each query, the grid changes in the following way:


200000 0
176527 15
1 81279
2 22308
2 133061
1 80744
2 44603
1 170938
2 139754
2 15220
1 172794
1 159290
2 156968
1 56426
2 77429
1 97459
2 71282