100 #ABC175B. [ABC175B] Making Triangle

[ABC175B] Making Triangle

Score : 200200 points

Problem Statement

We have sticks numbered 1,,N1, \cdots, N. The length of Stick ii (1iN)(1 \leq i \leq N) is LiL_i.

In how many ways can we choose three of the sticks with different lengths that can form a triangle?

That is, find the number of triples of integers (i,j,k)(i, j, k) (1i<j<kN)(1 \leq i < j < k \leq N) that satisfy both of the following conditions:

  • LiL_i, LjL_j, and LkL_k are all different.
  • There exists a triangle whose sides have lengths LiL_i, LjL_j, and LkL_k.


  • 1N1001 \leq N \leq 100
  • 1Li1091 \leq L_i \leq 10^9
  • All values in input are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


L1L_1 L2L_2 \cdots LNL_N


Print the number of ways to choose three of the sticks with different lengths that can form a triangle.

4 4 9 7 5

The following five triples (i,j,k)(i, j, k) satisfy the conditions: (1,3,4)(1, 3, 4), (1,4,5)(1, 4, 5), (2,3,4)(2, 3, 4), (2,4,5)(2, 4, 5), and (3,4,5)(3, 4, 5).

4 5 4 3 3 5

We have two sticks for each of the lengths 33, 44, and 55. To satisfy the first condition, we have to choose one from each length.

There is a triangle whose sides have lengths 33, 44, and 55, so we have 23=82 ^ 3 = 8 triples (i,j,k)(i, j, k) that satisfy the conditions.

9 4 6 1 9 6 10 6 6 8
1 1

No triple (i,j,k)(i, j, k) satisfies 1i<j<kN1 \leq i < j < k \leq N, so we should print 00.