100 #ABC170B. [ABC170B] Crane and Turtle

[ABC170B] Crane and Turtle

Score : 200200 points

Problem Statement

There are some animals in a garden. Each of them is a crane with two legs or a turtle with four legs.

Takahashi says: "there are XX animals in total in the garden, and they have YY legs in total." Determine whether there is a combination of numbers of cranes and turtles in which this statement is correct.


  • 1X1001 \leq X \leq 100
  • 1Y1001 \leq Y \leq 100
  • All values in input are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



If there is a combination of numbers of cranes and turtles in which the statement is correct, print Yes; otherwise, print No.

3 8

The statement "there are 33 animals in total in the garden, and they have 88 legs in total" is correct if there are two cranes and one turtle. Thus, there is a combination of numbers of cranes and turtles in which the statement is correct.

2 100

There is no combination of numbers of cranes and turtles in which this statement is correct.

1 2

We also consider the case in which there are only cranes or only turtles.