100 #ABC168C. [ABC168C] : (Colon)

[ABC168C] : (Colon)

Score: 300300 points

Problem Statement

Consider an analog clock whose hour and minute hands are AA and BB centimeters long, respectively.

An endpoint of the hour hand and an endpoint of the minute hand are fixed at the same point, around which each hand rotates clockwise at constant angular velocity. It takes the hour and minute hands 1212 hours and 11 hour to make one full rotation, respectively.

At 00 o'clock, the two hands overlap each other. HH hours and MM minutes later, what is the distance in centimeters between the unfixed endpoints of the hands?


  • All values in input are integers.
  • 1A,B10001 \leq A, B \leq 1000
  • 0H110 \leq H \leq 11
  • 0M590 \leq M \leq 59


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



Print the answer without units. Your output will be accepted when its absolute or relative error from the correct value is at most 10910^{-9}.

3 4 9 0

The two hands will be in the positions shown in the figure below, so the answer is 55 centimeters.

The clock at <var>9</var> o'clock

3 4 10 40

The two hands will be in the positions shown in the figure below. Note that each hand always rotates at constant angular velocity.

The clock at <var>10:40</var>