100 #ABC163B. [ABC163B] Homework

[ABC163B] Homework

Score : 200200 points

Problem Statement

Takahashi has NN days of summer vacation.

His teacher gave him MM summer assignments. It will take AiA_i days for him to do the ii-th assignment.

He cannot do multiple assignments on the same day, or hang out on a day he does an assignment.

What is the maximum number of days Takahashi can hang out during the vacation if he finishes all the assignments during this vacation?

If Takahashi cannot finish all the assignments during the vacation, print -1 instead.


  • 1N1061 \leq N \leq 10^6
  • 1M1041 \leq M \leq 10^4
  • 1Ai1041 \leq A_i \leq 10^4


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


A1A_1 ...... AMA_M


Print the maximum number of days Takahashi can hang out during the vacation, or -1.

41 2
5 6

For example, he can do the first assignment on the first 55 days, hang out on the next 3030 days, and do the second assignment on the last 66 days of the vacation. In this way, he can safely spend 3030 days hanging out.

10 2
5 6

He cannot finish his assignments.

11 2
5 6

He can finish his assignments, but he will have no time to hang out.

314 15
9 26 5 35 8 9 79 3 23 8 46 2 6 43 3