100 #ABC149B. [ABC149B] Greedy Takahashi

[ABC149B] Greedy Takahashi

Score : 200200 points

Problem Statement

Takahashi has AA cookies, and Aoki has BB cookies. Takahashi will do the following action KK times:

  • If Takahashi has one or more cookies, eat one of his cookies.
  • Otherwise, if Aoki has one or more cookies, eat one of Aoki's cookies.
  • If they both have no cookies, do nothing.

In the end, how many cookies will Takahashi and Aoki have, respectively?


  • 0A10120 \leq A \leq 10^{12}
  • 0B10120 \leq B \leq 10^{12}
  • 0K10120 \leq K \leq 10^{12}
  • All values in input are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



Print the numbers of Takahashi's and Aoki's cookies after KK actions.

2 3 3
0 2

Takahashi will do the following:

  • He has two cookies, so he eats one of them.
  • Now he has one cookie left, and he eats it.
  • Now he has no cookies left, but Aoki has three, so Takahashi eats one of them.

Thus, in the end, Takahashi will have 00 cookies, and Aoki will have 22.

500000000000 500000000000 1000000000000
0 0

Watch out for overflows.