#ABC147F. [ABC147F] Sum Difference

[ABC147F] Sum Difference

Score : 600600 points

Problem Statement

We have an integer sequence AA of length NN, where A1=X,Ai+1=Ai+D(1i<N)A_1 = X, A_{i+1} = A_i + D (1 \leq i < N ) holds.

Takahashi will take some (possibly all or none) of the elements in this sequence, and Aoki will take all of the others.

Let SS and TT be the sum of the numbers taken by Takahashi and Aoki, respectively. How many possible values of STS - T are there?


  • 108X,D108-10^8 \leq X, D \leq 10^8
  • 1N2×1051 \leq N \leq 2 \times 10^5
  • All values in input are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



Print the number of possible values of STS - T.

3 4 2

AA is (4,6,8)(4, 6, 8).

There are eight ways for (Takahashi, Aoki) to take the elements: $((), (4, 6, 8)), ((4), (6, 8)), ((6), (4, 8)), ((8), (4, 6))), ((4, 6), (8))), ((4, 8), (6))), ((6, 8), (4)))$, and ((4,6,8),())((4, 6, 8), ()).

The values of STS - T in these ways are 18,10,6,2,2,6,10-18, -10, -6, -2, 2, 6, 10, and 1818, respectively, so there are eight possible values of STS - T.

2 3 -3

AA is (3,0)(3, 0). There are two possible values of STS - T: 3-3 and 33.

100 14 20