#ABC112B. [ABC112B] Time Limit Exceeded

[ABC112B] Time Limit Exceeded

Score : 200200 points

Problem Statement

When Mr. X is away from home, he has decided to use his smartwatch to search the best route to go back home, to participate in ABC.

You, the smartwatch, has found NN routes to his home.

If Mr. X uses the ii-th of these routes, he will get home in time tit_i at cost cic_i.

Find the smallest cost of a route that takes not longer than time TT.


  • All values in input are integers.
  • 1N1001 \leq N \leq 100
  • 1T10001 \leq T \leq 1000
  • 1ci10001 \leq c_i \leq 1000
  • 1ti10001 \leq t_i \leq 1000
  • The pairs (ci,ti)(c_i, t_i) are distinct.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


c1c_1 t1t_1

c2c_2 t2t_2


cNc_N tNt_N


Print the smallest cost of a route that takes not longer than time TT.

If there is no route that takes not longer than time TT, print TLE instead.

3 70
7 60
1 80
4 50
  • The first route gets him home at cost 77.
  • The second route takes longer than time T=70T = 70.
  • The third route gets him home at cost 44.

Thus, the cost 44 of the third route is the minimum.

4 3
1 1000
2 4
3 1000
4 500

There is no route that takes not longer than time T=3T = 3.

5 9
25 8
5 9
4 10
1000 1000
6 1