100 #ABC103A. [ABC103A] Task Scheduling Problem

[ABC103A] Task Scheduling Problem

Score : 100100 points

Problem Statement

You have three tasks, all of which need to be completed.

First, you can complete any one task at cost 00.

Then, just after completing the ii-th task, you can complete the jj-th task at cost AjAi|A_j - A_i|.

Here, x|x| denotes the absolute value of xx.

Find the minimum total cost required to complete all the task.


  • All values in input are integers.
  • 1A1,A2,A31001 \leq A_1, A_2, A_3 \leq 100


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

A1A_1 A2A_2 A3A_3


Print the minimum total cost required to complete all the task.

1 6 3

When the tasks are completed in the following order, the total cost will be 55, which is the minimum:

  • Complete the first task at cost 00.
  • Complete the third task at cost 22.
  • Complete the second task at cost 33.
11 5 5
100 100 100