100 #ABC101A. [ABC101A] Eating Symbols Easy

[ABC101A] Eating Symbols Easy

Score : 100100 points

Problem Statement

There is always an integer in Takahashi's mind.

Initially, the integer in Takahashi's mind is 00. Takahashi is now going to eat four symbols, each of which is + or -. When he eats +, the integer in his mind increases by 11; when he eats -, the integer in his mind decreases by 11.

The symbols Takahashi is going to eat are given to you as a string SS. The ii-th character in SS is the ii-th symbol for him to eat.

Find the integer in Takahashi's mind after he eats all the symbols.


  • The length of SS is 44.
  • Each character in SS is + or -.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



Print the integer in Takahashi's mind after he eats all the symbols.

  • Initially, the integer in Takahashi's mind is 00.
  • The first integer for him to eat is +. After eating it, the integer in his mind becomes 11.
  • The second integer to eat is -. After eating it, the integer in his mind becomes 00.
  • The third integer to eat is +. After eating it, the integer in his mind becomes 11.
  • The fourth integer to eat is +. After eating it, the integer in his mind becomes 22.

Thus, the integer in Takahashi's mind after he eats all the symbols is 22.
