ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
71 Algo0107  Minimum Array 23 / 49 4
75 Algo0110  Buy Low Sell High 17 / 31 4
99 Algo0208  Password 5 / 16 8
92 Algo0209  Compress Words 4 / 17 9
100 Algo0210  Watto and Mechanism 3 / 19 9
101 Algo0211  Sausage Maximization 2 / 9 10
116 Algo0401  Book 18 / 46 5
119 Algo0403  Counting Shortcuts 6 / 11 9
120 Algo0404  Moving Both Hands 15 / 40 5
121 Algo0405  Nearest Opposite Parity 12 / 27 6
136 Algo0502  Military Problem 4 / 4 10
137 Algo0505  Passable Paths 2 / 5 10
163 Algo0616  Let's Play Osu! 7 / 10 9
164 Algo0617  Tetrahedron 17 / 48 6
165 Algo0618  Make Them Equal 12 / 29 6
173 Algo0708  Tree Painting 1 / 1 10
174 Algo0709  Karen and Supermarket 0 / 0 (无)
175 Algo0710  Paint the Tree 0 / 0 (无)
201 Algo1015  The Sum of the k-th Powers 0 / 0 (无)
292 Algo2004  MEX Queries 1 / 5 10
267 D230614A  Converging Array (Hard Version) 0 / 2 9
268 D230614B  Garland 5 / 9 4
269 D230615A  Monster Invaders 1 / 2 6
270 D230615B  Perfect Keyboard 4 / 5 4
272 D230616B  Sequence Sorting 4 / 5 5
273 D230617A  Array Beauty 1 / 1 7
274 D230617B  Row GCD 3 / 3 4
275 D230618A  Beautiful Rectangle 0 / 0 6
276 D230618B  Dreamoon Likes Sequences 3 / 3 4
277 D230619A  Pattern Matching 1 / 2 6
278 D230619B  Array Stabilization (AND version) 3 / 4 4
279 D230620A  Staircases 1 / 2 6
280 D230620B  Nezzar and Symmetric Array 3 / 5 4
281 D230621A  Double Knapsack 0 / 0 10
282 D230621B  PriceFixed 3 / 3 4
283 D230622A  Knitting Batik 1 / 1 6
284 D230622B  For Gamers 2 / 3 5
285 D230623A  Christmas Game 0 / 0 7
286 D230623B  Unusual Minesweeper 0 / 0 5
287 D230624A  Rock Is Push 0 / 0 6
288 D230624B  String Coloring (hard version) 0 / 0 5
1 JC0101  Suffix Three 35 / 70 4
2 JC0102  Dreamoon and Ranking Collection 32 / 72 4
3 JC0103  Symmetric Matrix 32 / 49 2
4 JC0104  Happy Birthday, Polycarp! 32 / 63 3
5 JC0105  A New Technique 28 / 95 6
6 JC0106  Reachable Numbers 30 / 61 4
7 JC0107  Collecting Packages 27 / 45 3
8 JC0108  Yet Another Crosses Problem 23 / 96 7
9 JC0109  RGB Substring (easy version) 20 / 39 4


