#P1542B. Plus and Multiply

Plus and Multiply

Plus and Multiply


有一个无穷大的正整数集合 SS,该集合按下面所述方法生成:

  • 数字 11 在集合 SS 中。
  • 若数字 xx 在该集合中,那么数 x×ax \times a 和数 x+bx+b 均在集合 SS 中。(其中 aabb 为给定常数)

现在给出数 n,a,bn,a,b,请判断 nn 是否在集合 SS 中(此处给出的 aabb 就是上述集合生成方法中的 aabb),若在请输出 Yes,否则输出 No。多组数据。

令数据组数为 tt,那么有 1t1051 \leq t \leq 10^51n,a,b1091 \leq n,a,b \leq 10^9


There is an infinite set generated as follows:

  • 1 1 is in this set.
  • If x x is in this set, xa x \cdot a and x+b x+b both are in this set.

For example, when a=3 a=3 and b=6 b=6 , the five smallest elements of the set are:

  • 1 1 ,
  • 3 3 ( 1 1 is in this set, so 1a=3 1\cdot a=3 is in this set),
  • 7 7 ( 1 1 is in this set, so 1+b=7 1+b=7 is in this set),
  • 9 9 ( 3 3 is in this set, so 3a=9 3\cdot a=9 is in this set),
  • 13 13 ( 7 7 is in this set, so 7+b=13 7+b=13 is in this set).

Given positive integers a a , b b , n n , determine if n n is in this set.


The input consists of multiple test cases. The first line contains an integer t t ( 1t105 1\leq t\leq 10^5 ) — the number of test cases. The description of the test cases follows.

The only line describing each test case contains three integers n n , a a , b b ( 1n,a,b109 1\leq n,a,b\leq 10^9 ) separated by a single space.


For each test case, print "Yes" if n n is in this set, and "No" otherwise. You can print each letter in any case.

样例 #1

样例输入 #1

24 3 5
10 3 6
2345 1 4
19260817 394 485
19260817 233 264

样例输出 #1



In the first test case, 24 24 is generated as follows:

  • 1 1 is in this set, so 3 3 and 6 6 are in this set;
  • 3 3 is in this set, so 9 9 and 8 8 are in this set;
  • 8 8 is in this set, so 24 24 and 13 13 are in this set.

Thus we can see 24 24 is in this set.

The five smallest elements of the set in the second test case is described in statements. We can see that 10 10 isn't among them.