#AY10001. 找出山峰


[Title Description]

AYAY likes to climb mountains because it can bring him a good mood and state. Because AYAY also likes to collect and analyze data, he inadvertently recorded the general trend of the height he climbed during a mountain climb:

1 3 4 10 23 20 12 4 2

Obviously, AYAY climbed to the peak when climbing to the place with the height of '23'.

Given the number of nn you recorded, find the subscript of the peak. 😄

[input format]

Enter two lines in total:

First line: enter an integer nn ;

Line 2: enter nn integers to represent the number sequence of the title description.

[output format]

The output is only an integer representing the subscript of the peak** The questions ensure that the answers are unique and have answers**

[input / output example]


1 3 4 10 23 20 12 4 2

[data range]

0n10120 \leq n \leq 10 ^ {12}, each number in the sequence is within the interval of [0,109][0,10 ^ 9] .


This topic is adapted from the 852852 topic of the leetcode main station. The link: the subscript of the mountain range array