#P5C. Longest Regular Bracket Sequence
Longest Regular Bracket Sequence
This is yet another problem dealing with regular bracket sequences.
We should remind you that a bracket sequence is called regular, if by inserting «+» and «1» into it we can get a correct mathematical expression. For example, sequences «(())()», «()» and «(()(()))» are regular, while «)(», «(()» and «(()))(» are not.
You are given a string of «(» and «)» characters. You are to find its longest substring that is a regular bracket sequence. You are to find the number of such substrings as well.
The first line of the input file contains a non-empty string, consisting of «(» and «)» characters. Its length does not exceed 106.
Print the length of the longest substring that is a regular bracket sequence, and the number of such substrings. If there are no such substrings, write the only line containing "0 1".
The first line of the input file contains a non-empty string, consisting of «(» and «)» characters. Its length does not exceed 106.
Print the length of the longest substring that is a regular bracket sequence, and the number of such substrings. If there are no such substrings, write the only line containing "0 1".
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